Sexting & The City

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wtf 2020 p.s I'm Back

Hey there!

...What a crazy 6 months it’s been. I hope you’re all doing well, and maintaining some ounce of sanity. It is difficult, I understand. 

Since the last time we spoke, my life has had a complete 180. I’m not even in the city anymore, you guys. I’m currently in Massachusetts, staying with family. I’ve actually been here since March. Honestly, at this point my blog should be called Zooming & My Bedroom.

Now I’m sure you have some questions for me. For starters, since this is a blog that revolves around dating...Have I been dating in quarantine? Uh...Kind of? But honestly, not until very recently. Because, well, I’m in Massachusetts and don’t want to meet anyone here since I won’t be staying forever (I hope, who knows at this point? Will COVID ever end?) Also, speaking of COVID, I don’t want to catch it, so the idea of meeting someone new that may not be as neurotic about the importance of washing your hands and using hand sanitizer, not so appealing. 

On the bright side, I have taken this time to work on myself, bake obsessively, and read a sh*t ton of books. I’ve even attempted virtual dating! So I definitely have a lot to share with you guys and I’m excited to announce that I’ll be doing that sharing every Monday & Friday! You heard me correctly, TWO DAYS A WEEK BABY! So get ready for that. 

In the meantime, here are a few things I’ve been doing to kill time.

Things I Did To Kill Hours During Quarantine

Bubble Baths!

There was a point in quarantine that I was taking one bubble bath a day. Because, well, I had the time and they’re fun.


Naturally, I went through an obsessive reading phase that has since calmed down. I was going through two books a week, sometimes more.


I’m almost embarrassed to admit how many times that one ‘get off this app’ guy has popped up on my screen to nicely ask me to go to sleep because I’d spent the last two hours scrolling. Which only made me rebel and scroll more. Anyway, I also share fun digestible dating and life tips on there! Check me out, @ReneeAriel.


I actually don’t have a photo of me walking around so you’re just going to have to take my word for it. Pretty sunset though, right?

Golfing with my dad!

This was when I knew things hit a new low. Oh and by ‘golfing with my dad,’ I mean driving the golf cart around for him while drinking a Truly and listening to Taylor Swift. It’s pretty fun, actually.

Baking Cookies!

I had to completely stop baking at one point because it got a little out of hand and I was eating way too many cookies. And listen, not to be dramatic or anything, but I would argue that I now make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. So, it was worth it.

Alright, there are definitely more things that have kept me busy, but I’ll save that for another day. See you guys Friday!

xo Renee