This is Why I'm Done With Dating

I think I’m over dating.

I’m just over it. I don’t feel anything when I hear romantic songs. Nothing. Nada. Like, I genuinely think my heart has turned to stone. Sad songs don’t even do it for me. I’m not sad about anyone. There’s no one who recently broke my heart or rejected me when I put myself out there.

There’s just no one I’m longing for. You know what I mean? Sometimes I long for the feeling of longing for someone, but honestly, that’s it.

I mean sure, do I want a connection with somebody? Totally. But do I really want to open my heart up to some stranger that may end up disappointing me after a month or two? And then I have to like, get over them, by crying and watching sad movies until my heart heals?

No the f*ck not, and to be honest, I have no energy for it.

I’m busy! And when I do have free time, do you know what I like to do? Are you ready for this? I like to stay in my apartment by myself, with my cat, order Thai food and watch Dr. Phil clips on youtube. Alone. THAT’S what I like to do.  

I mean, yes. I’m at a place in my life where I would love to watch The Bachelor with a hot man while drinking wine, but god, the hoops you have to go through BEFORE getting to that point?! Exhausting. I refuse.

This may sound like a rant and that’s probably because it is. Life is weird. I want love but I also just really don’t. Does that make sense? Am I making any sense?

So just as a recap. I’m not single. I’m self-partnered. And that’s what I’m going to tell my family at Christmas.

Happy Friday!