Don't Ask Psychics About Your Love Life
Every psychic I’ve ever been to has told me they don’t see love in my future. And yes, I say every psychic, because there have been multiple. Not just one! Three whole psychics have essentially shared with me that it’s going to be a lonely road ahead.
Hot girl summer for life! …Along with sad girl fall, lonely bitch winter, and still-just-me spring.
Okay, I’m being dramatic, but can you imagine three different clairvoyant people whom you paid, that are supposed to get you hyped about the things coming next in your life, having the audacity to share with you that love will not be one of them? How does one even react to that kind of news? Although I don’t really remember, I’m sure I made a silly remark and waited til I got in my car to cry.
The first part of the psychic session would always go well. You know, when we talked about my career and friendships, it was always good news! BUT, whenever we would get to the L word… things took a shift. And listen, I’m not saying I wanted them to lie to me. But maybe just sugarcoat it a bit or give me a smidge of hope? Anything?!
I mean, one time I literally had a psychic say to me (in response to me asking her about love in my future) “hmm… yea I’m just not seeing anything.” I’m sorry, you’re not seeing anything? It’s just blank?! Can you look a little harder?!
Possibly the saddest/funniest part about this whole ordeal is that so far, they have absolutely been right. So I can’t even be mad. I mean sure, I’ve had some flings here and there. But ultimately, nothing close to that ‘L’ word.
And with today’s dating culture? It’s hard to even want to put effort into meeting someone. Pretty much everytime I throw myself back out there, I’m like damn the psychics were right, better head back home to my cat and live vicariously through Love Island contestants instead. (This is where my mom would stop reading and immediately text me, “you should go on love island! Then you’ll find love!” Mom, I’m not going on Love Island.)
Now comes the understandable follow up response. Why do you have such bad luck dating, Renee? Great question. I blame Los Angeles. Dating is awful in Los Angeles. I started this dating blog nearly a decade ago and I’m still out here in the trenches. I mean, I have some of the hottest, coolest, funniest, friends and even they can’t find a decent, emotionally available man in this city.
Sure, perhaps I am also “picky.” But as we should be. We are looking for life partners, after all. It’s about finding the right connection, and sadly, as the psychics and I have established, it’s harder than one may think.
I have had a lot of “almost somethings” though. Which I’m sure a lot of people in LA can relate to. The first date that finally goes well, that you hope will lead to something but ultimately it’s not the right fit and dies off.
Like the hot athlete I dated for instance. He was pretty much perfect. I wanted to like him so badly. He was sweet, thoughtful, kind, and driven. But ultimately, I didn’t feel a spark. No matter how badly I wanted to. Stupid feelings, am I right? Then on the flipside, (this may come as a surprise, but even I have been rejected before) there was this guy who I was talking to for a couple months that ghosted me after I sent a photo of myself in a lobster costume. I told you. It’s rough out there.
Anyway, all of this goes to say, just because three psychics have told me otherwise, I know that I’ll find love at some point. And I’m not just saying this as a sad little glimmer of hope to end this blog. A psychic told my mom (lol).
Yep, my mom recently went to a (v reliable) psychic for her own reading, where she naturally asked about her daughter’s love life. (You know your dating life is sad when your mom is out there asking psychics if you’ll ever meet someone) And this psychic said they DID see love in my future! I wasn’t there, so it is possible this psychic confused me for my sister who did recently meet someone great, but I’m going to try to remain positive.
So if you do take away anything from this blog, just remember. Sometimes it takes a fourth psychic to tell you what you want to hear. And also, send a lobster costume pic. It’ll weed out the wrong guys.
my sister asked me to add the picture, so here it is.